Seminar on Eu and World Politics 
社會科學院  政治學研究所  
322 M5120 
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 口頭報告:2021.6.11於東吳大學校本部全國歐盟研究生論文發表會

■ Important announcements


I have witnessed an increase in academic dishonesty nowadays. Students who are caught copying work without referencing it will receive an automatic grade of 0 points. Even if you paraphrase material (use your own words) you must still provide page number/author. I am very serious about this and will not negotiate with students who are caught copying work.

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Office Hours

1. 張亞中編,歐盟全球戰略與對外關係,台北:晶典文化,2006。
2. 黃偉峰編,歐洲聯盟組織與運作,二版,台北:五南出版社,2007。
3. 蘇宏達編,歐盟聯盟的歷史發展與理論辯論,台北:台大出版中心,2011。
4. 張亞中,歐洲聯盟的全球角色,台北:台大出版中心,2015。
5. Hungdah Su ed., Asian Countries’ Strategies towards the EU, Taipei: NTU Press, 2015。
6. 洪德欽,陳淳文編,歐盟法之基礎原則與實務發展(上),台北:台大出版中心,2015。
7. 蘇宏達,周弘主編,廿一世紀歐洲聯盟的對外關係,台北:台大出版中心,2018。
8. Hungdah Su, European Dream and Reluctant Integration in the 21st Century: Lessons for Ongoing Asian Regionalism, Taipei: NTU Press, 2020.
9. 李貴英,吳志成主編,英國脫歐與歐洲轉型,台北:台大出版中心,2020。
10. François Godement and Abigaël Vasselier, China at the gates: A new power audit of EU-China relations, Brussels: ECFR, Decv. 2017. https://ecfr.eu/publication/china_eu_power_audit7242/ /


1. 李貴英主編,歐洲聯盟經貿專論,台北:台大出版中心,2011。
2. Tony Judt, Postwar: A History of Europe since 1945, Vol. 1-4, New York: Penguin Books, 2005. 東尼。賈德,黃中憲譯,戰後歐洲六十年 1945~2005(全四卷),台北:左岸文化,2013。
3. 李貴英,李顯峰主編,《歐債陰影下歐洲聯盟的新財經政策》,台北:台大出版中心,2013。

Su’s other publication on the EU in the world politics

1. Su, H. “EU Public Diplomacy in Asia”, Asia Europe Journal, 14 (3), 2016, pp 337–351.
2. Su, H. September 2015. “Contribution of Monnet’s Action Committee to European Integration and Its Lessons for Asian Integration”, Asia Pacific Journal of EU Studies, 14 (3), 2015.
3. Su, H. May 2013. “Is Euro Still a Success Story?”, Asia Europe Journal, Vol.11, No.2, pp:179-188 (SSCI)
4. Su, H., Nov. 2012. “Regionalism in Competition: EU Experience and its Theoretical Implications for Asian Integration”, Journal of Global Policy and Governance, Vol. 1, No.1, pp:29-48
5. Su (2012). “A Historical and Academic Review of EU Studies in Taiwan”, in Jose E. Borao Mateo and vassilis Vagios eds., Interfaces: EU Studies and European Languages Programs in East Asia, Taipei: NTU Press, pp. 3-32.
6. Su(2012)「檢視歐洲聯盟共同外交暨安全政策運作共同體化的可能性」,歐洲研究,30卷175期,頁54-65。
7. Su (2010), “The EU’s Taiwan Policy in a New Context”, Issues and Studies, 46(1), March, pp. 1-54.
8. Su (2009), “Jean Monnet’s Great Design for Europe and its Criticism”, Journal of European Integration History, (15), pp. 29-46.
9. 蘇宏達(2009)。〈解析里斯本條約對歐盟對外行動能力與民主治理機制可能的影響〉,《政治科學論叢》40: 81-126。(TSSCI)
10. 蘇宏達(2009)。〈從自由政府間主義解析里斯本條約的發展過程〉,《問題與研究》。(TSSCI)
11. Su, H. (2008), Asian Perception of Europe-Building in World Politics, in Michael Gehler ed., From Common Market to European Union Building. 50 Years of the Rome Treaties 1957-2007, Vienna and Cologne: Boelau, 2008, pp. 663-686.(peer reviewed)
12. 蘇宏達(2008)。〈論歐洲聯盟的台海政策〉,蔡政文 (編),《當今歐盟-中國-台灣關火的演變與未來》,頁269304。台北:遠景基金會。(TSSCI期刊審查制)
13. Su, H. (蘇宏達) (2007). The father of Europe in China: Jean Monnet and the creation of CDFC. Journal of European Integration History, 13, 1:9-24.
14. 蘇宏達(2007)。〈論歐洲憲法的優位性〉,《歐美研究》,37, 2: 323-389。(TSSCI)
15. Su, H. (蘇宏達) (2007). Politics of differentiation: enhanced cooperation in the EU and the pathfinder in APEC. Asia Europe Journal, 5:51-66.
16. Su, H. (蘇宏達) (2005). The dynamics of widening on the deepening of the European Union: The consitutiotnalization of enhanced cooperation. EurAmerica (歐美研究), 35, 3: 501-545。(TSSCI)
17. 蘇宏達(2004)。〈從制度主義解析歐洲聯盟憲法條約草案〉,《政治科學論叢》,20: 167-208。(TSSCI)
18. Su, H. (2004, December). Can the constitution-building advance the European Integration? A three-pillared institutionalist analysis. Journal of European Integration, 26, 4: 353-378.
19. Su, H. (2004, décembre). Les Etats-Unis et Taïwan vis-à-vis de la Nouvelle Politique Chinoise de la France. Revue d’Histoire Diplômatique, 4: 369-406.
20. 蘇宏達(2003)。〈論網路資源在台灣歐盟研究中的角色〉,《問題與研究》,42, 5: 81-113。(TSSCI)
21. 蘇宏達(2002)。〈以「歷史機制論」解析歐盟憲法倡議與憲政秩序建立間的競合〉,《理論與政策》,16, 2: 1-25。(TSSCI觀察名單)
22. Su, H. (2005, March). Asian perspective of constitutional reform processes. In M. Gehler, G. Bischof, L. Kühnhardt and R. Steiniger (Eds.), Towards a European constitution: A historical and political comparison with the United States (443-454). Vienna and Cologne: Boehlau Publisher. (peer reviewed)
23. 蘇宏達 (2003)。〈歐盟理事會的機制與運作〉,黃偉峰 (編),《歐洲聯盟的組織與運作》,頁147-198。台北:五南。(TSSCI期刊審查制)
24. 蘇宏達,民國90年12月,〈以「憲政主權」概念解釋歐洲統合之發展〉,《歐美研究》,第31卷第4期,頁629-687。(TSSCI)
25. 蘇宏達,民90年3-4月,〈歐盟經驗與兩岸統合:建立WTO架構下的雙邊商務糾紛解決機制〉,《問題與研究》,第40卷第2期,頁1-32。(TSSCI)

Journal articles and others

1. Burley, A. M. and Mattli, W. (1993). “Europe Before the Court: A Political Theory of Legal Integration”, International Organizations, 47, 1: 41-76.
2. Catherine Li (李貴英, 2004, April). “The Direct Effect of the GATT/WTO Rules within the European Community System: The Position of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Tribunal of First Instance”, 政大法學評論,78: 209-266。
3. Garret, G. (1995). “The Politics of Legal Integration in the European Union”, International Organizations, 49, 1: 171-181.
4. Pierson, P. (1996), “The Path to European Integration: A Historical Institutional Analysis”, Comparative Political Studies, 29, 2: 123-163.
5. Etain Tannam, The European Union and Conflict Resolution: Northern Ireland, Cyprus and Bilateral Cooperation, Government and Opposition, 2012, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 49–73.
6. Elizabeth F. Defeis, “The Treaty of Lisbon and Accession of the European Union Convention on Human Rights”, ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, 2012, Vol. 18:2, pp. 387-394.
7. Valery Konyshev and Aleksandr Sergunin, The Arctic at the Crossroads of Geopolitical Interests, Russian Politics and Law, 2012, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 34–54.
8. Utku Özer* - Seniye Gül Yıldırımkaya, The Turkish Identity: A Part of European Identity or an Eternal Other?, International Journal of Turcologia, 2012, Vol: VII No: 14, pp.31-43.
9. Mark Baimbridge,Briab Burkitt and Philip B. Whyman, The Eurozone as a Flawed Currency Area, The Political Quarterly, 2012, Vol. 83, No. 1, pp. 96-107.
10. George KYRIS, The European Union and the Cyprus problem: a story of limited impetus, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.87-99.
11. Steven C. Bennett, The "Right to Be Forgotten": Reconciling EU and US Perspectives, Berkeley Journal of International law, 2012, Vol. 30:1, pp.161-195.
12. Jan-Werner Muller, Europe’s Perfect Storm The Political and Economic Consequences of the Eurocrisis, Dissent, 2012, Fall, pp.47-53.
13. Carolina B. Pavese and Dia rmuid Torney, The contribution of the European Union to global climate change governance: explaining the conditions for EU actorness, Rev. Bras. Polít. Int. 2012. 55 (special edition), pp.125-143.
14. Brendan Simms, Towards a mighty union: how to create a democratic European superpower, International Affairs, 2012, 88: 1, pp.49-62.
15. Alexander Sergunin, Towards an EU-Russia Common Space on External Security: Prospects for Cooperation, Research Journal of International Studies, 2012, Issue 24, pp.18-34.
16. KATY A. CROSSLEY-FROLICK, “Revisiting and Reimagining the Notion of Responsibility in German Foreign Policy”, 2017, International Studies Perspectives,(18), 443–464.
17. MARCO SIDDI , “German Foreign Policy towards Russia in the Aftermath of the Ukraine Crisis: A New Ostpolitik?”, EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES, Vol. 68, No. 4, June 2016, 665–677
18. Julien Theron, “French Foreign Policy in Libya and Syria (2003–2017): Strategic Adaptability in Quickly Changing Environments”, The World Community and the Arab Spring pp 205-231.
19. Thomas Gomart and Mark Hecker eds., Macro Diplomat: A New French Foreign Policy? Paris: IFRI, 2018. 64p.
20. Charles Grant, The Lessons of Brexit: Annual Report of 2018, London: Centre for European Reform, 2018.
21. Sir Simon Fraser, “In Search of a Role: Rethinking British Foreign Policy”, Chatham House: 7 November 2017.
22. Special Issue on Trans-Atlantic Cooperation Based on the Mega FTA, TTIP. Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies, 16(1), Summer 2018. Six articles. pp. 1-146.
23. Xenia Wickett, Chatham House Report : Transatlantic Relations Converging or Diverging?, US and the Americas Programme, January 2018.
24. Ian Manners, “Normative power Europe reconsidered: beyond the crossroads”, Journal of European Public Policy, 13(2), March 2006: 182–199.

Recommended journals:

- Journal of Common Market Studies
- Journal of European Integration
- Journal of European Integration History
- Journal of European Public Policy
- Asia Europe Journal
- European Journal of Intenrational Relations

- Revue Trimestriel du Droit Europeen (F)
- Integration (G)

Recommended Database

- OJ online
- Politico
- Bulletin Quotidien Europe
- Fact Sheets on European Union External Relations http://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/en/section/208/relations-beyond-the-neighbourhood

Recommended think tanks

- ECFR (European Council for Foreign Relations)
- EIAS (European Institute for Asian Studies)
- CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies)
- EPC (European Policy Centre)
- IFRI (Institut Francais de Relations Internationales) (FR)
- SWP (Stiftung der Wissenschaft and Politik) (GE)
- Chattam House (Royal Institute of International Affairs) (UK)
- IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies) (UK)
- Centre for European Reform (UK)
- Egmond Institute (BE)
- Clingendael Institute (NL)